Cedar Pass Ranch Homeowners Association

Newsletter – July 20, 2005

Hello everyone,

It is that time of year again when we elect new board members and gather for our annual picnic/meeting.  We are also including some additional information that will be of interest to many of you.

Annual Meeting

Please plan to attend the annual meeting of the HOA on August 13 at 4:00 pm in the park (Lot 118 on West Drive).  This is your chance to ask questions, learn about the financial  status of the HOA, meet new neighbors in the community and talk to candidates for the four upcoming vacancies on the Board.  Dinner will be pot luck, with food assignments as follows:

            Last Name Beginning With                         Please Bring

                        A-H                                                     Dessert

                        J-R                                                       Main Dish

                        S-Z                                                      Salad

Utensils and drinks will be provided.


Four members of the HOA Board will complete their service in August.  They are Diane Bradshaw, Bill Chipman, Keith Cowan and Rob Bateman.  Thanks to all of them for a job well done.

At the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and urging of the Board, we are pleased to present five individuals who have agreed to run for these vacant positions.  Property owners who would like to put forward other candidates are welcome to write in their names on the ballot or nominate them from the floor at the August 13 meeting.  You are also encouraged to contact the candidates to learn more about their views and vision for the community.

The Board had hoped to have six candidates, but a few individuals indicated that personal circumstances would make it easier for them to run for the Board next year.  Everyone we spoke with, however, was willing to serve the community,

If you cannot join us at the annual meeting, please be sure to return your proxy ballot to the following address by August 12.  It is important that we have a minimum number of votes for a quorum.

Cedar Pass Ranch HOA

Box 541

Lehi, UT 84043

Trail Ride and Clean Up

Thanks to Keith Cowan and those members of the community who participated in the Spring clean up on May 21.  In addition to the riders, several of our youth showed up to help remove debris and old wire from the horse trails.  Everyone then gathered at the park for lunch, which gave us a chance to get to know several of our new property owners.



As the HOA Board has driven around the neighborhood, we have been very impressed by the beautiful homes and yards.  We appreciate those who have worked so hard to make our area enjoyable to view. 

Congratulations to the Weinberg family for receiving the award for Home of the Month for June!  John Lala received the award for the month of July.

Both of these families have beautiful yards and were recognized by having a sign displayed for the month.

We had many nominations for Home of the Month.  This will be an ongoing award during the spring/summer months.  If see a home that you feel needs to be recognized, please contact a member of the HOA board.


It’s All About the Water

When Cedar Pass Ranch was approved by Utah County, each lot included a well permit and a water right of 1.5 acre-feet that would authorize the owner to use enough water to provide for yearly in-home use and irrigation of ¼ acre of land.  After the incorporation of Eagle Mountain, Cedar Pass LC installed a City water line through the subdivision, giving homeowners a choice of water connections.  Option 1 is to use a well for all water needs.  Option 2 is to connect to the City culinary water system.  A third possibility is to use City water for household use and a well for outdoor irrigation. All of these options will require the water right to be used accordingly.  Options 2 and 3 require the payment of impact fees to the City, but the first of these is usually cheaper than drilling a well.

With Option 1, the home owner must prove their use of the water right or file for an extension with the Department of Natural Resources periodically.  Option 2 requires the home owner to deed the 1.5 acre-feet to the City so that the City can use the right to put that much additional water in its system.  Option 3 requires that .75 acre-feet be deeded to the City for culinary use, with the homeowner still responsible to prove up on use of the other .75 acre-feet.

Eagle Mountain is now contacting some property owners who have connected to the City system but have not transferred the required water right.  This problem is complicated because some of these rights have been sold or have expired for lack of proof-of-use.  In short, this means that the water right no longer exists. The same may be true of water rights intended for use in wells if they have not been proved or extended.

Each homeowner must ensure that their water rights remain current. The City may require additional rights if a home connected its system consistently uses more water than was transferred.  The Department of Natural Resources may require additional water rights if property owners are watering more landscaping than can be served with the available water right.  As a rule-of-thumb, the property should have 1 acre-foot of water for each ¼ acre of irrigated landscaping and about .5 acre-feet for culinary use.